Category Archives: photos

still from Man on Wire | Phillippe Petit


Phillippe Petit walks between the Twin Towers in 1974

– | Yoshiaki Sakurai

- | Yoshiaki Sakurai

Satellite Image of Sable Island, 1994 | NASA

Ladder House Near Dale, Norway | Olga Gladykowska

Party of boys from the Civilian Conservation Corps viewing the interior of an ice cave in Paradise Glacier, Mount Rainier National Park, Washington, ca. 1935 | University of Washington Libraries

Paradise Glacier, Mount Rainier National Park, Washington, ca. 1935

– | Lauren Treece

two by Anna Verlet Shelton

hand drawn flat map of Jupiter | Frédéric Burgeot

Jupiter Flat Map

travellers | flickr user Peter Przybille

Sonic/light-show projection by Tony Martin

— from The San Francisco Tape Music Center: 1960s Counterculture and the Avant-Garde

– | Marie Hochhaus

– | National Geographic, Nov. 1993

After a repair by David Rosgen (hydrologist), the sinuous top leg of the San Juan’s East Fork in Colorado teems with trout; the unrestored lower section remains silt braided and dying, National Geographic, November 1993

Eagle’s Nest Trail | Patrick Winfield

– | Dylan Menges

untitled | Tyler Coray

Fourteen Trees | Michael Kenna

Marbach, Austria, 1999

untitled | Marnix Goossens

Eclipsed Moon in the Morning | Roger N. Clark via APOD

December’s lunar eclipse graced early morning skies over the Rocky Mountains in Colorado, USA. There, this wintry scene finds the Moon in a cold blue twilight sky near the western horizon, above the snowy North American Continental Divide. About 22 minutes before the sunrise, the reddened lunar disk is almost completely immersed in Earth’s dark shadow. This dramatic Rocky Mountain moon set during the eclipse total phase. But all parts of the geocentric celestial event were seen from Pacific regions, Asia, and Australia, including the entire 51 minutes of totality, and parts of the final eclipse of 2011 were shared in skies around much of planet Earth.

Bioluminescence in the Gippsland Lakes | Phil Hart

Noctiluca Scintillans alight at night

Andese Train | Michael Trezzi

Puno, Peru